These are the best of my go-to resources…

  • The best of my favorite books and authors

·     Frederick BuechnerThe Magnificent Defeat and Wishful Thinking
·     Victor HugoLes Miserables
·     C. S. LewisMere Christianity, Screwtape Letters, Till We Have Faces, and The Chronicles of Narnia
·     Kathleen NorrisAmazing Grace
·     Eugene Peterson, The Message, The Jesus Way, Tell It Slant, Reversed Thunder, Practice Resurrection, and
       Under The Unpredictable Plant

  • Movies & Shows

The Concert  - A beautiful 2009 French film I saw on Netflix which says of it, "This uplifting comedy follows a fallen maestro who seizes a chance to reunite his orchestra 30 years after politics cuts short his music career."

  • Website recommendations

·     Taizè - Music centered Christian Community in France
·     Iona Community/Wild Goose - A dispersed Christian ecumenical community in Scotland
·     BioLogos - A website seeking harmony between science and Biblical faith
·     Fixed Point - A website bridging the sacred and the secular
·     Canter Bridge - A website of Dr. David Baer
·     Conversations - A forum for authentic transformation in Christ
·     Bible Gateway - A Bible study resource

  • Podcast/radio choices

·     Krista Tippet - "On Being" - Spiritual and Life-themed interviews and blogs
·     Pray-as-You-Go - A Jesuit lectionary devotional
·     TED Radio Hour - Technology, Entertainment, Design - thematic TED talks with Guy Raz
·     Planet Money - NPR's take on economics for the layperson